Nuit Astrology

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Mood Management for Each Zodiac Sign

Low days happen to all of us. One of the many ways astrology helps is that it can show us each sign’s tendencies in order to find ways to boost your mood. Working with your nature helps you to find solutions that work!

This is great information for parents as well — so you know the easiest ways to help your kiddos with rough days (or weeks or months or years!).

Let me know what you think; what’s your sign? How do you boost your mood?

Aries: Vigorous independent exercise. Going for a run or a session of martial arts like karate or Muay Thai boxing. Vinyasa flow yoga. One-on-one games (versus team sports). Schedule a friendly tennis match with a friend or competitive circuit training. Exercise helps you to move anger, get rid of stagnation and feel more like yourself.

Taurus: Get. Out. Side! Nourish your Earth-mama vibe with a hike or nature walk. Communing with plants by gardening or yard work can also help you to restore and renew. Another alternative is to cook something healthy and delicious and enjoy it with a friend whilst listening to positive and uplifting music. Massage or other bodywork can also be very helpful to this sign.

Gemini: Laugh! The Gemini mind needs delicious brain food, so enjoy a comedy or stand-up routine. Reading or writing are other pleasures that can boost the Gemini mood; immerse yourself in a fantasy novel or pour your ideas out into a book. The Gemini personality can become ungrounded very easily, so it might also help them to get outdoors in Nature in order to gain perspective.

Cancer: Water helps; always. Take a long soak in an epsom salt bath. Spend time near or in water by trying stand-up paddle board or kayaking. Sometimes Cancer just needs an at-home day of nurturing, comfort food and minimal expectations with the ones that they love in order to feel renewed.

Leo: Social sunshine! Get outside and get some (safe) sun on your skin, whether it’s going for a walk or meeting up with friends at a local outdoor venue. Gather a group to go listen to music or plan a small dinner party so you have something to look forward to. Leo’s need fun like the rest of us need oxygen.

Virgo: Self-care to the max. Schedule a spa day, or make one for yourself at home. Get a mani-pedi, detox massage, or sensory deprivation float. For Virgo it can even be a mood booster to Marie Kondo a room, Feng Shui the office or deep-clean the refrigerator. Vigorous cleaning and organizing can feel both productive and therapeutic.

Libra: Plan social gatherings or a romantic date with your lover. Get the girls together for a night out or plan an impromptu party. Schedule date-night and select your favorite place, curate your outfit and enjoy the finer things. On a smaller scale, buy yourself flowers, experiment with a new scent or paint a room in your house; beauty lifts your mood.

Scorpio: Enjoy your passion. Whatever it is, whether sculpture, surfing or skateboarding, block off some time to indulge in what you deeply enjoy. Grab a couple friends and head to an Escape Room or get a group together to play poker or D&D.

Sagittarius: Get out of town. Sagittarius loves to adventure, so schedule a trip to visit a friend in another city or hop on Google Flights and see where you can go for the weekend. Sometimes just planning a trip can help you to look forward to something. In the short term, go horseback riding; Sagittarius has a special affinity for horses. Or grab a friend and get a bite at the newest ethnic restaurant.

Capricorn: Exercise. Discipline helps to restore a sense of order to Capricorn, and work can be their play. Head to the gym to lift some weights or work to beat your best time on the treadmill. Building things can bring a sense of accomplishment and focus; assemble a complex Lego piece or start a craft project.

Aquarius: Volunteer; Aquarians want the world to change, so it can lift their mood to feel like they are helping to create it. Spend some time working on a community project. Mind games like sudoko can be very relaxing; or try something that gently focuses the mind, like adult coloring books. Go to the latest avant-guard gallery opening and look at art. Reading scientific books or sci-fi novels. On-line games, so that you can be with others and still be separate from them.

Pisces: In order to restore themselves Pisces needs alone time. Take a leisurely hot bath, or a quiet walk in the woods. Spiritual connection can also help them to find their center, so meditation or even mindful movement like Tai Chi or yoga can help. Restorative breath work, music, art …. Things that help to clear away the heaviness and responsibilities of life and help you to get back in touch with your deepest self.